Removal of Abandoned Vehicle

Home / Corporate / In the News / Removal of Abandoned VehicleThe following abandoned vehicle has been parked at the Gladstone Airport Short Term Car Park for over 4 months: 067 AA5 2000 FORD LASER SEDAN – registration expired 16/09/2023 Notice is hereby given that the...

Mandatory Wearing of Face Masks at Gladstone Airport

Mandatory Wearing of Face Masks at Gladstone Airport

Home / Corporate / In the News / Mandatory Wearing of Face Masks at Gladstone AirportOn the 8 January 2021, the National Cabinet agreed that face masks would become mandatory. Then on Tuesday the 12th January 2021, at 12:01am, the Queensland Government legislated...

Soft Launch new Body Scanner

Soft Launch new Body Scanner

Home / Corporate / In the News / Soft Launch new Body ScannerGladstone Airport Corporation (GAC) will be introducing new security screening equipment in line with the Federal Government’s announcement in the 2018-19, Federal Budget, on the 31st December 2020....

nCOVID-19 Public Announcement

nCOVID-19 Public Announcement

Home / Corporate / In the News / nCOVID-19 Public AnnouncementImportant information about how we are protecting our Airport. This notice can be downloaded from the GAC website - Airport Operations / Corporate Documents.

NEW Departures Lounge CAFE

NEW Departures Lounge CAFE

Home / Corporate / In the News / NEW Departures Lounge CAFEGladstone Airport Corporation is seeking EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST for an exciting new CAFE to be part of the Airport Experience in the Departures Area of the Airport Terminal. If you have any queries or wish to...