TC Alfred – Gladstone Airport Closed

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Our Aviation Information

The Gladstone Airport Conditions of Use document details important information relating to the airport and its services, as well as fees and charges. For further information please contact us.
Airport Facilities and Services

The latest Aeronautical Information can be found in the En-Route Supplement Australia (ERSA) –
available on the Airservices Australia website

Aircraft Movement Area

Runway 10/28 is 1920m long and 30m wide and is suitable for aircraft up to Boeing 737-800 / Airbus A320 size. The runway was fully reconstructed and extended to its current pavement length between 2009 and 2011.

Terminal Facilities

Please refer to this link for further information.


There are seven privately owner hangars at the Airport and any arrangement for hangarage would need to be made with the owners.

Aircraft Parking Aprons

Parking on the main apron is primarily reserved for scheduled airline aircraft.

The main parking apron has four bays: – one parking bay catering for aircraft up to Dash 8-400/ATR72-600 – three parking bays catering for aircraft up to Boeing 737-800 / Airbus A320. There are also three itinerant aircraft parking bays at the western end. Use of these bays is by arrangement with the Aerodrome Reporting Officer on duty (07) 4977 8812 (24 hours).

Parking on the General Aviation Apron is subject to availability. There is no reserved parking for itinerant aircraft at Gladstone Airport. For access to the General Aviation Apron during business hours (Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm) contact the Airport Administration Office on (07) 4977 8800. For access out of these hours press the call button at the airside gate.

Aircraft Refuelling Services

For refuelling services at the Airport for Jet A1 – contact 0427 239 293 (24 hours).

There is a self-serve bowser on the General Aviation Apron for AVGAS.

Ground Power

The airport does not supply ground power.

Aerodrome Weather Information System (AWIS)

Meteorological information can be obtained by phoning (07) 3564 3715, or on VHF Radio 126.85Mhz

Air Traffic Control

Air Traffic Control services for Gladstone Airport are provided by Brisbane centre. Local CTAF frequency is 118.80 Mhz. Ground staff can be contacted by phoning (07) 4977 8812.

Fire Services
Airservices Australia provide aviation rescue fire fighting (ARFF) services at the Gladstone Airport.
Ground Handling

Ground Handling services at Gladstone Airport are provided by Winkel Aviation Services. Email: [email protected]

Gladstone (YGLA) Navigation and Landing Aids
  • Doppler VHF Omni Range (DVOR)
  • Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)
  • High Intensity Runway Lighting (HIRL)
  • Pilot Activated Lighting (PAL) + Aerodrome Frequency Response Unit (AFRU)