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Operational Information

Conditions of use

The Conditions of Use Standard for Gladstone Airport covers the provision of, and the recovery of costs and charges for, Aviation Services and Government Mandated Services.

These standard conditions apply to all airlines and aircraft operators who use Gladstone Airport on or after the Start Date, unless we have agreed different conditions with any such airline or aircraft operator. If you are an airline or an aircraft operator and you use Gladstone Airport on or after the Start Date, you agree to be complied with these standard conditions (as amended from time to time in accordance with these standard conditions) and all of our rules and reasonable directions, other than to the extent that we have agreed different conditions with you. For further information please contact us.

Charter Request Form
Gladstone Airport welcomes Ad-Hoc Charter Requests.
Please click here to download the Charter Request Form.
Crane Operations

Crane operations in the vicinity of the Gladstone Airport have the potential to create air safety hazards and to limit the airport’s operations. To ensure potential obstacles are controlled appropriately crane operators erecting cranes in the vicinity of the airport are required to complete a Crane Operations Notification form. Notification is to be provided within 48 hours or more of the establishment. Contact Gladstone Airport directly on 07 4977 8812 for any urgent safety matters.

Access the Crane Operations form here.

HSEQ Policy

Gladstone Airport Corporation recognises the importance of maintaining and enhancing the quality of the environment for the benefit of all Australians, present and future.

We seek to incorporate sustainability principles in all that we do. We highly value the health and wellbeing of our employees and all stakeholders that use and visit our airports and believe that everyone has a right to operate in a safe environment. We strive to be valued corporate citizens in our communities. We respect the values and cultural heritage of the local people.

We are guided in the development and implementation of our management systems by the company’s Vision, Purpose and Values. These are available on our website. New staff are provided both the Vision, Purpose and Values and a copy of this policy on induction.

Our Commitment

We are committed to:  

  • the highest standards in our safety and environmental performance
  • zero harm to people and the environment
  • prevention of pollution
  • efficient use of resources
  • compliance with all our legal obligations and other requirements
  • continual improvement of our systems and processes
Sustainable asset

The GAC believe that a sustainable approach to airport management is vital to success and are committed to delivering positive outcomes our customers and the community in which we operate.

Our determination is to be an industry leader in regional airport sustainability, driving growth with balancing social and environmental needs with corporate objectives. For the GAC, sustainability is about:

  • Being an accountable business and ensuring sustainability hazards are identified and appropriately managed

  • Integrating community and conservation considerations into our decision-making processes 

  • Working in partnership with our customers, the Gladstone community and involved stakeholders to deliver jointly favourable outcomes

Airside Access


A Visitor Identification Card (VIC) may be issued by GAC to approved applicants to provide temporary airside access under escort. Go to https://www.arins.com.au and select VIC REGISTRATION in the top right corner of the web page. Select ‘Gladstone’ and follow the registration process, then ‘Save’.
VIC registrations must be completed at least 24 hours prior to required access to site and will be managed by GAC Operations team. Current photo identification will be required when collecting the VIC.
Restrictions apply to the number of VICs that can be issued within a calendar year.

ASIC Applications

Go to www.asic.net.au to apply for an ASIC.  Apply online and lodge at Australia Post nationwide. 

Airside Driving

Airport based employees who are required to drive airside on an ongoing basis, may be provided with authorisation by the GAC Operations team to drive a vehicle airside. For more information on this, contact GAC Operations on [email protected]


Gladstone Airport Corporation (GAC) owns and operates Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) as an operational tool to assist in the management of aviation operational, security and safety related issues. CCTV significantly increases the ability to monitor both the landside (car park areas, check-in) and airside areas of the airport (boarding gate areas, apron and aircraft stands).

GAC has implemented a range of strategies to target and prevent unlawful interference with aviation. CCTV forms only one part of an integrated approach to security and safety at Gladstone Airport.